A post about starting a blog and my story.
I’m writing to read one day and remember how it all started. About how my thoughts were spinning in my head at night, I wanted to save them and write them down, so as not to forget. This is my fifth attempt to blog, before that there were: moon romances, webwizard, siteforstartup, blog in VK (banned). And I don’t give up my attempts, because I can’t not write – that’s what they say about real writers and creators.
I live in a confusing world – streams of infomusor and propaganda that fill the space in our heads with agendas, formulaic thinking and ready-made answers, which like fast food – easy and fast, lead to obesity and laziness.
And creating my blog, I realize that I don’t want to be one of those who for the sake of hype and views, publications – agree with the crowd and give them what they want: more one-day stars and piss memes.
My goal is to be myself, to remain myself and to help you be who you are, not what society, media and environment make you out to be.
I’ve been thinking for a long time about what I’m going to write about, preparing a content plan and sections about self-development, psychology, self-sufficiency and other “useful” and “necessary” things that are in trend and supposedly make the world a better place. Many people write about it and find their readers.
I took my content plan, and asked the question – is this I’m? and realized, no. It’s not me, it’s plastic, it’s “buckling” to societal pressure, it’s “pal” – like a cheap analog of the original leather sneakers.
So in my blog – will be my thoughts, not copypasta, it is me who will be here with you, someone who wants to be himself. If it resonates in you – welcome aboard.
Regards, Timur.