Listen to old playlists

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How long does a life last? Many or few days, I count events that have affected me…..

I have 2Pac tracks in my headphones, which I listened to while I was still in college, studying to be a lawyer. A useless profession in a country where the law only works for those with connections and money. Back then, I was a rebel and protested against professors who taught students to be compliant to authority and to recognize authority figures who were not.

They lied about our history and filled our young brains with garbage about the USSR and a good president. Although everyone knew that the president was a thief, and the USSR made my city a testing ground for the effects of radiation on the human body.

Times have passed, and now our youth are being taught new lies, filling their minds with Islamic contagion and rotten patriotism.

Islam is the religion of slaves, in every dictatorship the first to plant this nonsense in their heads, it is easier to keep the people in a docile herd and direct them to stone those they don’t want. The only religion where doubts and questions are forbidden. Convenient, isn’t it?

And patriotism… Our resources are sold to companies that are registered abroad, and the profits also go abroad, our national parks and beautiful places by the thousands of acres are privately owned, in our country – the common man has nothing but the obligation to pay taxes and fines. But all this semolina, you know it yourself.

Then let me ask you a question, who are you? A man without a homeland, without faith and without property – A wretched vagabond or a free Scythian? We are all just travelers, born to explore the world, to know the joy of the rays at dawn and the sadness of falling autumn leaves. Everyone has his own answer, those who have preserved reason and their own opinion – will answer themselves.

I just want to visit different countries, to be far away, to realize one day how good it is at home, even if the house is old and shabby, in my hometown, where even the air is fresher and people are simpler.

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